Este întrebarea din titlul unui articol recent apărut în Times, referitor la încercările constante ale guvernului britanic de a introduce un regulament al profesiei psihoterapiei (am tradus liber cuvântul folosit, „regulation”, prin „standardizare”, pentru că în fond despre asta e vorba). Aceste eforturi urmează o tendinţă thatcheristă a anilor ’80, de standardizare a profesiilor, de formalizare a lor chiar în sensul strict al cuvântului, respectiv cel de a crea un formular de evaluare. Care sunt mobilurile acestei întreprinderi, dar şi despre cât de reducţionistă şi de primejdioasă poate deveni ea, ne descrie pe larg şi obiectiv autorul articolului, Andrew Billen.
- „să identifice răspunsul clientului atunci când el, psihoterapeutul, face uz de tăcere”;
- să nu interpreteze către sfârşitul şedinţei (o tehnică folosită în prezent de mulţi);
- să aibă feedback despre cât de folositoare i-a fost clientului o interpretare sau alta.
Can you regulate psychotherapy?
The Government wants to regulate how psychotherapists do their job. Professionals fear it will make their work impossible
Andrew Billen
Here’s a scene from The Sopranos that never got written. Tony Soprano is engrossed in one of his disputatious, sexually charged, therapy sessions with Dr Jennifer Melfi. He has just let slip something about a Mafia execution he has authorised. Suddenly the Feds burst through the door. Tony looks for an exit but it is not the mobster the police are interested in, but his shrink. She has flouted federal laws on how to talk to a client. “Dr Melfi,” they say, “last week you delivered your interpretation too close to the end of the session. We’re going to read you your rights.”It couldn’t happen in America, but it could, theoretically, happen in Britain if government proposals to govern talking therapy (all forms of analysis) become law. The College of Psychoanalysts puts it this way: “Under proposed new government guidelines, most forms of psychoanalysis could become illegal.” The new law would not apply just to the NHS. Nor would it simply adjudicate complaints from disgruntled patients. The Health Professions Council, which currently regulates a smallish range of health practitioners from chiropodists to physiotherapists, will tell every Dr Melfi in the country how to do his or her job.
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