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From Contemplating to Constructing Situations
June 02 – July 31, 2011
PAVILION UNICREDIT, Bd. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)
Curator: Razvan Ion
Participants: Francis Alys (BE/MX), Minerva Cuevas (MX), Ciprian Homorodean (BE/RO), Jason Loebs (US), Wilfredo Prieto (CU), Sabine Rethore (FR), Temporary Services (US), Abdellah Taia (MA/FR), Erwin Wurm (A)
Publication: „From Contemplating to Constructing Situations” with texts by Lars Bang Larsen, Rosi Braidotti, Felix Guattari, Razvan Ion, Internationale Situationiste, Mikkel Bolt, Gunalan Nadarajan.
Kant was the one who launched the interrogation on our knowledge’s conditions of possibility and the one who explicitly understood this interrogation as being a critical act. From now on, we can say that the modern reflection is either critical – in this auto-reflective sense- or it is not modern. (Boris Buden) But, the freudian, foucaultian, postmodern, stalinist, leninist repression etc. is identical, and what can make a difference is the astonishment of the self and the possibility to say „no” to the oppressive state (without transforming this into an anarchist wailing ).
The reader and it’s physical projection, the exhibition, deals with different generations of artists and thinkers which refuse to participate in the tired prescriptions of marketplace and authority and instead create radical new methods of engagement. The concept try to develops an indispensable, contemporary conception of political change—a conception that transcends the outmoded formulations of insurrection and resistance. I believe too much blood and ink has been shed for the art machines and the revolutionary machines to remain separate.
The move from the contemplation of a situation to its representation, must be made immediately. (Razvan Ion)
OPENING: Thursday, June 02, 2011, 19.00
Beer by Grolsch.
After-opening Jason Loebs will play a special DJ set @ Control Club, Str. Academiei 19. Will be subtitled by the film critic Dan Angelescu in front Control.
Before, a special gig by Soviet Soviet and Uma Swan at 21.00 organised by Chambre du Chat.
Exhibition supported by PAVILION – journal for politics and culture, Austrian Cultural Forum in Bucharest and Grolsch.
The exhibition and the publication wouldn’t have been possible without Eugen Radescu, Andrei Craciun, Stefan Voicu and Cristina Bangau.
My deepest gratitude to all artists and writers who helped me in this.
Special thanks: Karin Cervenka, Gabriela Cretu, Mihai Fuiorea, Tudor Ghiurca, Dan Mares, Anca Nuta, Paul Tomi Rus, Alex Simionov, Anton Vidokle, Laura Barlow.
Image: Ciprian Homorodean, page from „Survival Strategies. Take the Book, Take the Money, Run!, 2010, 100 pages, hand made book, ink on paper, 24,4 x 32,4 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
De la contemplare la construcţia de situaţii
02 iunie – 31 iulie 2011
PAVILION UNICREDIT, Bd. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)
Curator: Razvan Ion
Participants: Francis Alys (BE/MX), Minerva Cuevas (MX), Ciprian Homorodean (BE/RO), Jason Loebs (US), Wilfredo Prieto (CU), Sabine Rethore (FR), Temporary Services (US), Abdellah Taia (MA/FR), Erwin Wurm (A)
Publicatie: „From Contemplating to Constructing Situations” cu texte de Lars Bang Larsen, Rosi Braidotti, Felix Guattari, Razvan Ion, Internationale Situationiste, Mikkel Bolt, Gunalan Nadarajan. Traducere si adaptare in limba romana de Cristina Bangau.
Kant a fost cel care a lansat interogarea conditiilor de cunoastere a posibilitatilor si cel care a inteles explicit interogarea ca fiind un act critic. Din acel moment, putem spune ca reflectia moderna este ori critica – in sensul auto-reflectiv – or nu este moderna (Boris Buden). Dar, represia freudiana, foucaultiana, postmoderna, stalinista, leninista s.a.m.d este identica, iar ceea ce poate face diferenta este epatarea eu-ului si putinta lui de a spune „nu” statului asupritor (fara a se transforma intr-un stat-anarhic lamentabil).
Discursul teoretic, publicatia si expozitia – ca mod de interactiune direct, aduna pozitii ale unor ganditori si artisti din generatii diferite care refuza sa participe in prescriptiile obosite, prafuite, ale pietei si autoritatii, si creaza, in schimb, noi metode radicale de angajare, de actiune. „From Contemplating to Constructing Situations” incearca sa dezvolte un concept indispensabil, contemporan, al schimbarii politice – un concept care transcede formularile desuete despre insurectie si rezistenta. Prea mult sange si cerneala au curs pentru ca masinaria revolutionara si cea artistica sa ramana separate.
Trecerea de la contemplare la constructia de situatii trebuie facuta fara intarziere. (Razvan Ion)
DESCHIDERE: Joi, 02 iunie 2011, 19.00
Bere oferita de Grolsch.
Dupa deschidere Jason Loebs va realiza un DJ set special @ Control Club, Str. Academiei 19. In front Control va dubla criticul de film Dan Angelescu.
Un concert special va incepe la ora 21.00 cu Soviet Soviet si Uma Swan, organizat de Chambre du Chat.
Expozitia este sustinuta de PAVILION -journal for politics and culture, Forumul Cultural Austriac la Bucuresti si Grolsch.
Expozitia si publicatia nu ar fi existat fara ajutorul nepretuit al colegilor mei Eugen Radescu, Andrei Craciun, Stefan Voicu si Cristina Bangau.
Intreaga mea recunostinta scriitorilor si artistilor care au colaborat cu mine la acest proiect.
Multumiri: Karin Cervenka, Gabriela Cretu, Mihai Fuiorea, Tudor Ghiurca, Dan Mares, Anca Nuta, Paul Tomi Rus, Alex Simionov, Anton Vidokle, Laura Barlow.
Imagine: Ciprian Homorodean, page from „Survival Strategies. Take the Book, Take the Money, Run!, 2010, 100 pages, hand made book, ink on paper, 24,4 x 32,4 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.
This is a project by PAVILION – journal for politics and culture.
Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Grolsch
Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum, ADD
Media partners: Afterall, Framework, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Radio Romania Cultural, Alternativ.ro, Feeder.ro, 24Fun, Modernism.ro, Cabinet, Mute, Open, Kaleidoscope, Vicious Vitamins, Cura magazine, veiozaarte.ro, metropotam.ro, Zeppelin.
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
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