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la adapost
01 Martie – 29 Aprilie, 2012
PAVILION center for contemporary art and culture
Bd. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)
Deschidere: Joi, 01 Martie, 2012, 19:00
Expozitie creata de: Robert Marin & Nuca Studio
Publicatie: „sheltered”, cu text de Robert Marin. Editata de Nuca Studio, Engleza/Romana, 36 pagini, A/N, softcover.
Intr-o critica la adresa modernitatii, sociologul german Ulrich Beck a introdus termenul „Epoca lui Si” pentru a descrie amploarea caracterului aditiv al perceptiei oamenilor asupra sinelui si lucrurilor ce le apartin. Beck considera ca actiunile membrilor societatii de astazi sunt aproape exclusiv orientate catre acumulare si ca aceasta directie este specifica epocii noastre. Aceste mutatii in felul in care percepem amprenta noastra sociala au condus la o transformare serioasa a definitiei confortului si cum spatiul arhitectural este dimensionat pentru a raspunde nevoilor utilizatorului in anumiti parametri de confort am devenit in ultima decada martorii unei inflamari incredibile a spatiului construit la scara globala.
„La adapost” este o mica initiativa ce incearca sa ii confrunte pe vizitatorii ei cu nevoile umane de spatiu la nivel primar pentru a reactiva in fiecare observator instrumentele de baza in analiza spatiului. Felul in care constientizam relatia noastra cu limitele spatiele imediate este definitoriu in pozitionarea in lumea de azi. Conceptul contemporan de adapost, casa, spatiu personal este rezultatul unui proces constant de extindere a intelesului lor prin incorporarea alaturi de noi standarde ergonomice si de siguranta a unei uriase cantitati de criterii comerciale inventate pentru a dilata continuu nevoia noastra aparenta de spatiu.
Expozitia este structurata pe doua segmente. Primul consista in doua suprafete care prin relatia lor de apropiere si departare genereaza spatii mai largi sau mai stramte create pentru a angaja vizitatorul intr-o experienta directa a cerintelor minime de spatiu. Al doilea segment este conceput ca un joc in care vizitatorul poate intervenii in diverse machete ce recreaza situatii de „potrivire” in spatiu a unor personaje abstracte. (Fragment din „la adapost” de Robert Marin).
Robert Marin (n. 1976) este arhitect si absolvit Universitatea de Arhitectura „Ion Mincu” in 2001, an in care a infiintat si studioul de arhitectura si design Square One. In calitate de arhitect principal al studioului a fost apreciat international datorita lucrarilor sale ce au fost publicate in carti si reviste de specialitate. Printre cele mai importante distinctii pot fi mentionate premiul I pentru arhitectura de interior din cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectura Bucuresti, the Henkel Art Prize si a fost finalist al Contractworld. In 2008 a infiintat biroul de arhitectura si design Nuca Studio, in cadrul caruia activeaza in prezent ca arhitect principal. Traieste si lucreaza la Bucuresti.
Imagine: Robert Marin & Nuca Studio, simulare 3D din setup-ul expozitional. Courtesy of the artists.
March 01 – April 29, 2012
Bd. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)
Exhibition created by: Robert Marin & Nuca Studio
Publication: „sheltered”, with text by Robert Marin. Edited by Nuca Studio, English/Romanian, 36 pages, B&W, softcover.
In a critique to modernity, the German sociologist Ulrich Beck introduced the term „The Age of And” to describe the generalized additive character of the people’s perception of themselves and the things belonging to them. Beck considers that the actions of the members of today’s society are almost exclusively pointed towards accumulation and this trend is specific to our age. This mutations in the way we perceive our social footprint led to spectacular transformations in the way we define comfort and since the architectural space is generated to respond to the needs of its occupants in certain comfort parameters, we witnessed an incredible global inflammation of the constructed space in the past decade.
„sheltered” is a small initiative that attempts to confront its visitors with the basics of human space needs in order to reactivate in each observer the primary tools of space analysis. The way we acknowledge our relationship with our immediate boundaries is definitive in our positioning in today’s world. The contemporary idea of shelter, house or personal space is the result of a continuous extension of their meaning by integrating alongside higher standards in ergonomics and risk management a huge amount of made up commercial criteria destined to dilate the apparent needs of the user. To be able to debate such matters we first need to take a look at our own satisfaction criteria regarding our basic needs for space.
The exposition is structured in two segments. The first one consists in two surfaces that trough their relationship creates narrow or wide spaces designed to engage the visitor in a direct experience of minimum space requirements. And a second one conceived as a „game” in which the visitor can intervene in different models that recreates „fit in” situations for some abstract characters.
Robert Marin (b. 1976) is a Bucharest based architect. He received his architecture diploma from UAIM Bucharest in 2001 and cofounded in the same year the architecture and design studio Square One. As principal architect of the office he received international recognition trough works widely publicized in professional books and magazines across the globe. Among the most important distinctions he can include the Bucharest Architecture Biennale first prize in Interior Architecture, the Henkel Art Prize and the Contractworld finalist. In 2008 he cofounded the architecture and design practice Nuca Studio in which he acts presently as principal architect.
Exhibition supported by
Image: Robert Marin & Nuca Studio, 3D simulation. Courtesy of the artists.
proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.
This is a project by PAVILION – journal for politics and culture.
Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, Alternativ, Revista 22, 24 Fun, Modernism, Hipmag, Yazee, Zeppelin, Tillate.com, Vice, Art Clue, Art Act Magazine, UrbanThingsRomania.blogspot.com, RFI, Afterall, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Cabinet, Mute, Open, Metropotam.ro, Arte & Meserii.
Music Events Partner: La Chambre Du Chat
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: Ever Green Concept
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