Asociatia Internationala de Psihanaliza – o istorie
O istorie succinta a Asociatiei Internationale de Psihanaliza – International Psychoanalytic Association IPA, cu cateva borne privind infiintarea, in 1910, si evolutia ulterioara, puteti urmari in documentarul realizat de IPA la aniversarea centenarului, in 2010.
Comentariul ii revine psihanalistului Leo Rangell, de doua ori presedinte al Asociatiei Internationale de Psihanaliza, in film aflat in ultimul sau an de viata (va muri in 2011, la 97 de ani).
Citeste aici un profil al psihanalistului Leo Rangell
O istorie a IPA si…
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Notabil printre altele este acela din 1971, al 27-lea, care, pentru prima data in istoria psihanalizei, s-a desfasurat la Viena (Leo Rangell era pe atunci presedinte IPA). Multi participanti – si o prezenta spectaculoasa: Anna Freud. Care, spre surpriza tuturor, atunci cand i se va da cuvantul, va vorbi in… germana.
Citeste o istorie a Asociatiei Internationale de Psihanaliza si a congreselor sale
Este interesanta si pozitia lui Leo Rangell in aceasta expunere contrasa a istoriei psihanalizei, atunci cand vorbeste despre pluralismul actual din psihanaliza, intrucat psihanalistul american era recunoscut ca un „ecumenist” (si un apropiat de vederile „unioniste” ale Annei Freud). Nu va pierde nici de aceasta data ocazia, bineinteles, de a se afirma ca atare: pluralismul, da, exista, si este foarte bine ca exista, pentru ca arata cat de infloritoare, fertila si puternica este psihanaliza. Toate orientarile contemporane insa, crede el, toate au la baza marile descoperiri ale anilor 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930.
Vom asculta si vom vedea filmate, intr-o succesiune caleidoscopica, multe personalitati din toate timpurile ale psihanalizei, discutand despre statutul psihanalizei, inclusiv ca stiinta, ca si despre viitorul ei (printre altii, intr-o fotografie, Horacio R. Etchegoyen).
Incepand si terminand cu Sigmund Freud.
Cititi despre Psihanaliza, Sigmund Freud, freudismul si psihanalistii
Asociatia Internationala de Psihanaliza / International Psychoanalytic Association IPA – Congrese
Nota: Congresele de la 1 la 23 ale International Psychoanalytical Association nu au teme specifice.
1908 – 1st Congress Salzburg, Austria
Presidency: Informal Meeting
1910 – 2nd Congress Nuremburg, Germany
Presidency: Carl G. Jung
1911 – 3rd Congress Weimar, Germany
Presidency: Carl G. Jung
1913 – 4th Congress Munich, Germany
Presidency: Carl G. Jung
1918 – 5th Congress Budapest, Hungary
Presidency: Karl Abraham
1920 – 6th Congress The Hague, Holland
Presidency: Sandor Ferenczi
1922 – 7th Congress Berlin, Germany
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1924 – 8th Congress Salzburg, Austria
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1925 – 9th Congress Bad Homburg, Germany
Presidency: Karl Abraham / Max Eitingon
1927 – 10th Congress Innsbrook, Austria
Presidency: Max Eitingon
1929 – 11th Congress Oxford, England
Presidency: Max Eitingon
1932 – 12th Congress Wiesbaden, Germany
Presidency: Max Eitingon
1934 – 13th Congress Lucerne, Switzerland
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1936 – 14th Congress Marienbad, Czechoslovakia
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1938 – 15th Congress Paris, France
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1949 – 16th Congress Zurich, Switzerland
Presidency: Ernest Jones
1951 – 17th Congress Amsterdam, Holland
Presidency: Leo Bartemeier
1953 – 18th Congress London, England
Presidency: Heinz Hartmann
1955 – 19th Congress Geneva, Switzerland
Presidency: Heinz Hartmann
1957 – 20th Congress Paris, France
Presidency: Heinz Hartmann
1959 – 21st Congress Copenhagen, Denmark
Presidency: William H.Gillespie
1961 – 22nd Congress Edinburgh, Scotland
Presidency: William H.Gillespie
1963 – 23rd Congress Stockholm, Sweden
Presidency: Maxwell Gitelson
1965 – 24th Congress Amsterdam, Holland
Theme: Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Obsessional Neurosis
Presidency: William H. Gillespie & Phyllis Greenacre
1967 – 25th Congress Copenhagen, Denmark
Theme: On Acting Out and its Role in the Psychoanalytic Process
Presidency: P.J. van der Leeuw
1969 – 26th Congress Rome, Italy
Theme: New Developments in Psychoanalysis
Presidency: P.J. van der Leeuw
1971 – 27th Congress Vienna, Austria
Theme: The Psychoanalytical Concept of Aggression: Theoretical, Clinical and Applied Aspects
Presidency: Leo Rangell
1973 – 28th Congress Paris, France
Theme: Transference and Hysteria Today
Presidency: Leo Rangell
1975 – 29th Congress London, England
Theme: Changes in Psychoanalytic Practice and Experience: Theoretical, Technical and Social Implications
Presidency: Serge Lebovici
1977 – 30th Congress Jerusalem, Israel
Theme: Affects and the Psychoanalytic Situation
Presidency: Serge Lebovici
1979 – 31st Congress New York, USA
Theme: Clinical Issues in Psychoanalysis
Presidency: Edward D. Joseph
1981 – 32nd Congress Helsinki, Finland
Theme: Early Psychic Development as Reflected in the Psychoanalytic Process
Presidency: Edward D. Joseph
1983 – 33rd Congress Madrid, Spain
Theme: The Psychoanalyst at Work
Presidency: Adam Limentani
1985 – 34th Congress Hamburg, Germany
Theme: Identification and its Vicissitudes
Presidency: Adam Limentani
1987 – 35th Congress Montreal, Canada
Theme: Analysis Terminable and Interminable – 50 Years Later
Presidency: Robert S. Wallerstein
1989 – 36th Congress Rome, Italy
Theme: Common Ground in Psychoanalysis– Clinical Aims and Process
Presidency: Robert S. Wallerstein
1991 – 37th Congress Buenos Aires, Argentina
Theme: Psychic Change
Presidency: Joseph Sandler
1993 – 38th Congress Amsterdam, Holland
Theme: The Psychoanalyst’s Mind – From Listening to Interpretation
Presidency: Joseph Sandler
1995 – 39th Congress San Francisco, USA
Theme: Psychic Reality – Its Impact on the Analyst and Patient Today
Presidency: R. Horacio Etchegoyen
1997 – 40th Congress Barcelona, Spain
Theme: Psychoanalysis and Sexuality
Presidency: R. Horacio Etchegoyen
1999 – 41st Congress Santiago, Chile
Theme: Affect in Theory and Practice
Presidency: Otto F. Kernberg
2001 – 42nd Congress Nice, France
Theme: Psychoanalysis – Method and Application
Presidency: Otto F. Kernberg
2004 – 43rd Congress New Orleans, USA
Theme: Working at the Frontiers
Presidency: Daniel Widlöcher
2005 – 44th Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Theme: Trauma: New Developments in Psychoanalysis
Presidency: Daniel Widlöcher
2007 – 45th Congress Berlin, Germany
Theme: Remembering, Repeating and Working Through in Psychoanalysis and Culture Today
Presidency: Cláudio Laks Eizirik
2009 – 46th Congress Chicago, USA
Theme: Psychoanalytic Practice: Convergences and Divergences
Presidency: Cláudio Laks Eizirik
2011 – 47th Congress Mexico City, Mexico
Theme: Exploring Core Concepts: Sexuality, Dreams and the Unconscious
Presidency: Charles Hanly
2013 – 48th Congress Prague, Czech Republic
Theme: Facing the Pain
Presidency: Charles Hanly
2014 – 49th Congress Boston, USA
Changing World: the shape and use of psychoanalytic tools today
Presidency: Stefano Bolognini
Filmul a fost realizat in anul 2010 pentru International Psychoanalytic Association de Lee Jaffe, fiind produs de Nadine Levinson si moderat de Leo Rangell.
Alte surse: IPA
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